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Biological Importance Of Water

         Water is the main component of the world. The body is made 70-90% of water. For living organisms water is very important. some of the important is given below:

         The amount of water is the same on earth since the plants are created 4600 million years ago.
 1)polar in Nature:

  •  Water is a polar molecule. 
  • Because water molecule is made of oxygen and hydrogen. 
  • Oxygen is electronegative in nature and the negative charge barrier present on the oxygen and hydrogen molecule is made of positive charge present on it.
  • Due to polar in nature it marge the two molecule in itself and present a weak attractive force between them which is called Hydrogen bonding.

                              Image result for polar nature of water
 2)Universal solvent: 

  • Due to the ionic nature of the water, it dissolves in himself and makes ionic or polar bound.
  • Water provides the medium for chemical reactions in the cell.

                          Image result for solvent in  water
3) Disturbing the cellular structure:

  •  Water is a nonpolar substance which is present inside the cell and most of the organelles are nonpolar in nature
  • Therefore it does not disturb or dissolve organelles, present inside the cell. 
                              Image result for undisolve cell organellies in water
          The longest ever in the history that a man lives without food is 18 days.

4)Cohesive in nature:

  • Due to hydrogen bonding water does not separate from each other.
  •  Due to the cohesive in nature, water flows freely in the organelles and do not break into parts.


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