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Who Make Taliban ?

The world Taliban:
                              First of all Taliban word is derived from the word of Urdu or Arabic which means the man or woman who takes the eduction. And that eduction may be Islamic or the other eduction which is given from someone.
              Image result for taliban
Before the Soviet Union comes to Afganistan:
                                                                            Before the soviet union comes to Afghanistan all of the systems are Islamic and all of mankind have to accept it. Because they are rules and rules are nomes what they are you will have to follow it. Either if you are happy or unhappy.
              Image result for taliban and madrase
The Soviet Union comes to Afganistan:
                                                                  On December 24,1979 when soviet union come to Afganistan and fight to the afghani allot of madrasa are made in Afganistan they come in battle and fight to a soviet union, with no source. But America will support and they give money and gun to them and prepare for the fight. That is the area of cooled war.
              Image result for taliban and soviet union
Partition of the soviet union:
                                                After the destruction and soviet union become weak and divided into parts. That is the result of the cooled war between America and the soviet union. At that time America is surprising power and they hope for the superpower and if America does not apart from each other, I could be not done if we divided them into parts and they did it and after some time America makes a superpower.
             Image result for parttion of sovit union
America came to Afganistan:
                                                  After the accident of 911, Americans will start a fight against Afganistan. But at that time Taliban are as much power full that they can defend themself. In almost every area, the Taliban is an upper hand on them.
            Image result for america came to afganistan
 The Word Of Danger:
                                     At that time they use the word Taliban and that word makes the sing of danger. Everywhere Pakistani goes he will treat just like tartest, and that hates will keep away from each other. they say that Pakistan is involved in the war of Afganistan. And from the start of the Day, the Pakistani government says that there is no result of war, except dialog.


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