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Balance Dite for a Day

A balanced diet for normal people who wants to fit himself.In one month challenge to your body and diet.
They are following some step,s.
In Morning:
                 When they come from the walk: take one glass of boil milk and two bread,s.but do not mix any type of sugar. Because it is bad for health. You have to take honey because it is natural.
Image result for milk   Image result for pinck bread
In the Afternoon:
                           When you come from school or college you will take a  plate of green vegetables chart[mixtue], and piece of chicken or meat{small}, make sure that the chicken is fresh and if it is [self-own] you will keep in your house that is very well done                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Image result for vegatable mixture

In Diner:
            When you just come home at the sunset time you must take dinner as lite as possible. you take a date, two or three and boil rice without water. You will make it dry and wash them will that no any type of boil water drop left
Image result for date,Image result for boil rice


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