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                "The internalization within the cell".


                                                           The internalization of the cell occurs in so many steps,s. Which are given below:
1- Bending of the cell membrane.
2-Movement of the cell.
3-Enclosing of the cell.
4-Secreting enzymes.

Let's discuss one by one

1-Bending of the cell membrane:
                                                        The bending of the cell membrane occurs due to some receiver on the cell membrane.when some outside cell,s come to the body some cells,s are et them with the process of self-eating. The cell membrane bends and tries to offer the cell to come in.

2-Movement of the cell:
                                      When the cell moves from the outside to inside. It is moving into the cell.

3-Enclosing of the cell :
                                      After the moving moment of the cell from outside to inside, the cell membrane of the cell is enclosed. That during the chemical reaction with the cell does not lose its own material or not affect others.

4-Secreting enzymes:
                                    To digest the different cell's, cell's need hormones or enzymes which is secreted by over body or cell
Those enzymes which are helpful in digestion of cell Thyroglobulin


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