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what is virus

             The first time this virus is discovered in China(city Bohan).The prevention or precautions are if you follow you will be safe from this disease. Actually, this is not the disease this is a genetically modified virus. It first time this disease is found in animals and then converted into a human.
          There are two types of viruses. 
1)DNA virus.
2)RNA virus.

1)DNA virus:
          Those viruses which are propagating due to DNA.
                    Ase we can know that DNA is the property of polymerase(enzymes). Which is the ability to repair the DNA sequence, as it is made the first stand and then come at the second time correct the sequence of the DNA. 
due o this property te DNA viruses change are not propagate that much, and it is finished after some time or it is converted to a genetic disorder.

2)RNA virus:
          Those viruses which are propagating through RNA.

                    Ase we can know that RNA has no polymerase to re-correct the RNA sequence. That,s why RNA is spread throughout the world. Because of stopping this virus we can not make any antidote. Because if we give to that person who has already affected this virus you cannot give it to him.
Already his immunity was struggling and if you give to him his immunity system worked very fast and may be very dangerous for that person and he will die.
That is the reason for this that coronavirus is not stopping and spread out in the many countries of the world.

Can Not Take Medication:
                                          you are not taking any medication in the case of the virus effect. Because if you take medications your immunity will destroy the cell,s of your body. And if it is destroying your cell,s after some time you are all so dead.


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